A new school year comes with the promise of new opportunities, and for a business student, those opportunities come in the form of the Sam Croft Meet-the-Firms-Night. MTFN is an annual Zapara School of Business event that provides students with the opportunity to learn more about careers within their field of study, as well as network with companies in order to develop future contacts and employment opportunities.
Today, networking has become a crucial aspect in the Job Search. According to a survey conducted by LinkedIn, 85% of all jobs are not advertised for, they are filled by word-of-mouth via networking. Developing relationships with people you know; family, friends, classmates, colleagues and acquaintance’s, allows you to begin expanding your network. By building connections within your network, you are provided with more opportunities to advance your career. *Remember: it is all about who you know and who knows you! Here are three tips and tricks to help you land the job you want!*
Bring more business cards than you think you will need and keep a stack of them in a card case. It is much more professional to pull your card out of a case than to dig through your bag or wallet.
*Staples has in-store business card pick-up if you order before 2:00p.m. the same-day*
Updating your resume and bringing copies printed on nice paper shows potential employers that you are prepared to network. Just like with business cards, you do not want to run out of resumes!
*Remember: those of you participating in the colloquium MTFN challenge will need to bring a copy of your resume and upload a digital version to blackboard to receive credit!*
Note Pad & Pen
Chances are, you will not remember the important details of every conversation you have during the event. After mingling with a few people, jot a few notes on the back of each person’s business card to help refresh your memory for your follow-up later. *Remember: the purpose of a networking event is to connect with people in the future!*

When you are planning your outfit, pick something professional! You will not make a good impression if you look disheveled, disorganized, or overly casual.
- Women, you should try to refrain from wear clothing that is too small, tight, or rides up in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.
- Men, when tucking in a dress shirt, you should wear a nice belt that matches your shoes. When tying a tie, make sure it lays just above the buckle of your belt, too long or too short and you can end up looking sloppy!

Have a Goal
When you meet someone new, introduce yourself by stating your first and last name, making eye contact, smiling, and giving a firm but brief handshake. Then, listen for the other person’s name and use it two times while you are speaking. This will not only help you remember her name, but also appear sincere and interested in the conversation!
The Follow-Up
A few days after the event, send follow-up emails to anyone you met that you would like to continue networking with. Make sure to personalize each email, letting each person know you enjoyed meeting them and mentioning something that you talked about.
*Remember: sending someone a generic LinkedIn invite is not enough to make a lasting impression*
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